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Image by Martin Sanchez
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Global Learning Courses

ANT 2000 Intro Anthropology

Studying anthropology was an exciting learning experience because I learned many things about what makes us human. I always looked forward to learning new things in the course and acquiring knowledge that I could use in interpreting the origin of human beings and evolution over time. The course increased my interest in understanding human beings’ evolution based on different perspectives. I read many articles and books on the origin of mankind and tried to draw a connection between what I read and my general understanding of human existence. By the end of the course, I had changed my interpretation of the theories on the origin of humanity. My interest was to conduct further research using the anthropology skills I had gathered to present my views on human evolution. I am yet to complete a research paper on the different perspectives of the origin of humankind.


ANT 3241 Myth-Ritual-Mysticism

The Myth-Ritual-Mysticism course challenged my convictions on different rituals done in most societies. I developed an interest in learning the origin of various rituals and their significance in society. Learning about the myths linked to various rituals made me question my view on rituals such as the death rituals done to prepare the dead for the afterlife or communicate with them. I questioned whether the rituals would be founded on the myth that there is life after death or life after death is a fact that has been embraced and passed from one generation to another. I still doubt the idea of life after death because it could be mysticism passed over from the early generations that founded it.


MAN 4720 Strategic Management

In the current business world, companies are focusing on strategic management to increase their sustainability (Galpin and Hebard 175). My understanding of strategic management broadened after taking the strategic management course. I can now distinguish between management and strategic management and how to implement strategic management for improved organizational performance. My experience studying strategic management was also enlightening by exposing me to the various strategic management tools organizations can use to improve sustainability. This knowledge gives me a competitive advantage in the job market due to the increased competition in the modern business world.


MAR 3023 Introduction to Marketing

Before taking the introduction to marketing course, I considered marketing to be the advertising of products and services to attract customers and create awareness of new products and services in the market. This mindset changed after studying the course because I was introduced to a new perspective of marketing as a tool for effective sales management. It was interesting to learn that marketing extends to maintaining customer loyalty by constantly communicating value to customers. I can now confidently state that I have mastered the art of marketing.


REL 2011 Intro to Religion

I assumed that I understood all there is to know about religion until I studied the introduction to religion course and learned that religion is a broad concept that cannot be understood within a short time as I thought. The course exposed me to different ideas around religion that changed my view on religion from considering it an expression of faith to the incorporation of beliefs on a superior being and what is regarded as sacred and holy. I cannot confidently state that I understand religion because the course only gave me a brief overview of what religion is.


REL 3111 Religion in Film

I watched many movies portraying religion in film when studying the course on Religion in Film. Unfortunately, some films gave a controversial depiction of religion, creating a heated debate among the students studying the course. I still feel that the controversies raised during the course on how religion is expressed in religion were not adequately addressed hence the need to conduct further research on the depiction of religion in modern-day and traditional films to note the differences and factors that could have resulted in the differences.


REL 3308 Studies in World Religions

Reviewing world religions in the Studies in World Religions course was quite enlightening because I discovered the history of various religions and unique religious beliefs. It was also surprising to learn about new religions I had never encountered, such as Taoism and Jainism. I researched these religions to learn more about them, including their origin and the population of people practicing them, because I assumed that they are a minority religion that has been ignored in most religious studies. The most fascinating thing in the course was learning about the supreme beings considered sacred in different religions.


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